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AMP HTML Sample Code

Create your AMP HTML page The following markup is a decent starting point or boilerplate. Copy this and save it to a file with a .html ex...

Create your AMP HTML page

Create your AMP HTML page The following markup is a decent starting point or boilerplate. Copy this and save it to a file with a .html e...

google search console

How To submit amp pages to google? First Copy AMP page URL Then Goto Below Links to Submit To Google Index. Why should I use AMP? AMP ...

amp validator chrome

How To submit amp pages to google? First Copy AMP page URL Then Goto Below Links to Submit To Google Index. Why should I use AMP? AMP ...

amp tool

How To submit amp pages to google? First Copy AMP page URL Then Goto Below Links to Submit To Google Index. Why should I use AMP? AMP ...

amp; html

How To submit amp pages to google? First Copy AMP page URL Then Goto Below Links to Submit To Google Index. Why should I use AMP? AMP...

google amp viewer

How To submit amp pages to google? First Copy AMP page URL Then Goto Below Links to Submit To Google Index. Why should I use AMP? AMP ...